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The College Treasure Chest
Pre-Boot Camp Assessment - The Fundamentals
Fundamentals Test - Test your knowledge about saving on college
Fundamentals Answers - How did you score?
The Pay Less for College Boot Camp - Power Through it - 4 Hours
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The Pay Less for College Boot Camp - Power Through it - 4 hours (233:29)
The Pay Less for College Boot Camp - Break it up into shorter sessions
Welcome to the Boot Camp - the W.I.S.H.E.S. system to find the money for college (10:52)
Training on W= Who is your student & I= Inventory of Achievements (37:33)
Training on S = Strategy to reach your goals (27:23)
Training on H= Hunt for merit scholarships (120:58)
Training on E= Empower your teen for success & S= Save on college (36:27)
The Pay Less for College Boot Camp - Q&A Call
The Pay Less for College Boot Camp - Q&A Call
Bonus: The College Money Pit Audio
The College Money Pit Audio
The College Money Pit Audio
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